Card | Mandala Red 2020
I have a special feeling about this collection, it was performed under pressure during the closing time of the Corona virus in Denmark.
Many mixtures of emotions between fear, confusion and appreciation, fear of death, confusion about our ability to survive as strong intelligent people.
(read more in the description)
English below:
Dette smukke mandala design handler om integrationsharmoni mellem natur og organiske felter præsenteret i form af et insekt, selvfølgelig kunne jeg ikke finde bedre end et bi til at præsentere det organiske liv.
Jeg har en særlig følelse af denne samling, den blev udført under pres i Corona-virusens lukningstid i Danmark.
Mange blandinger af følelser mellem frygt, forvirring og påskønnelse, frygt for død, forvirring om vores evne til at overleve som stærke intelligente mennesker, når alt dette er hurtigt, når nye planeter, vidunderlig succes for videnskab og teknologi, det viser sig, at vi er så lille! meget svag, og vi skulle være ydmyge og jordnære mere og mere.
This beautiful mandala design is about integration harmony between nature and organic fields presented in form of an insect, of course, I couldn't find better than a Bee to present the organic life.
I have a special feeling about this collection, it was carried out under pressure during the closing time of Corona virus in Denmark.
Many mix of emotions between fear, confusion and appreciation, fear of death, confusion about our ability to survive as strong intelligent people, after all this rapid technology, reach new planets, magnificent success of science and technology, it turns out that we are so small! very weak and we should be humble and down to earth more and more.